Thursday, 19 November 2020

End of Module Evaluation

strength - challenged myself to do something new - generally i have more experience with publication design and feel more comfortable designing for print, but i chose to do web to force myself to work in new ways
i found this breif difficult, not because of the brief itself but because of how covid has changed university.

i taught myself after effects which i am proud of as its intimidating complex software - my computer is on its last legs so i had to do this all in uni as my laptop wont run it

my laptop is really slow and i found this to be a challenge when working - it frequently crashes
it was difficult not being able to work with my peers and share ideas frely like last year

page mockups


Wednesday, 18 November 2020

website 'about' page

In the near future, a deadly disease holds planet earth in its grip. Governments around the globe enforce quarantines to stop the spread of the disease, to little avail. It seems this could be the end of nightlife as we know it.

That is, until a new kind of clubbing experience emerges. Listeners tune in from homes around the world to get down to some of the freshest beats on offer. Electric Waste broadcasts 24/7, advertisement free streams featuring non-stop music and positive vibes.

You may be alone, but you are alone with us.

And nothing can stop the party.



pop up dialogue box accessed by clicking '?' button in bottom right corner of every page

Tuesday, 10 November 2020



 This mornings crit i presented mock-ups for a few of my pages:

feedback was positive, with criticism that maybe the direction is turning more to a project focused on clubs than radio. The group suggested using the traditional radio shown in img. 4 not just to control the playback, but as navigation for the entire site. I like this idea and will find a way to work it in. This bring the idea back to more radio focused than club focused.

Arthur suggested I look at a website called Fleximodal TV - a very similar concept to the site I am creating. It is navigated much like a traditional TV, with the user being able to select from 4 different channels. The channels broadcast music alongside visuals - it's unclear where these visuals come from, wether they are made by the musicians themselves or found elsewhere. 

Either way, it very much matches my concept of music livestream accompanied by visuals which can be left to play in the background.

The 'TV Guide' is visually informed by the 'Teletext' style guide from 90s/2000s TV


Upon reading the about page, the concept is really interesting. It says:

We found ourselves in this new fantastical existence.. free from foul play and injustice but still harsh, brutal and imperfect. Social morality had vastly improved from the collapse of the last world, but daily living is entirely in the hands of the people. The capitalist structure has broken down, making the cogs of society flow with less fluidity than before. Car parks, supermarkets and shopping centres have become overgrown and developed into their own multi-level eco chambers, where wildlife is thriving and plants and vines have overtaken bricks and steel. A land free from tyranny, free from fat cats. A land where schools replaced hymns and milk with fungi and bob Marley.

The global rebellion triggered a mass eradication of all corporate vultures, thieves in suits and financial opportunists who were for the few rather than the many. Borders, debt and faux justice are a thing of the past. But it’s not all kumbaya round the camp fire.. existence is hard- towns, villages and cities are all fractured. Yet morale is high. Society exists in a disjointed yet perfectly connected way. Corporations have been replaced by communities, mortgages replaced by morality and dance floors are considered places of worship.

The internet has largely been wiped out and accessing it is near impossible. Finding a web-ready machine is the equivalent of finding a shiny charizard. But instead of clambering and chaos to connect, people are happy to forget the things that come hand in hand with the cyber web of knowledge.. credit files, corruption and addictive networking. Fleximodal TV is the furthest reaching broadcast around and old world vegetative programming has been replaced by music, art and creative collaboration"

I am going to continue working on my mockups, incorporating the radio face into the navigation controls.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

site map


revised diagram of site map 

name n logo

 electric waste

Livestreaming 2

 Minecraft gigs

Marc Rebillet

twitch streams