Wednesday 30 September 2020

Poster Mini Brief

 poster brief

encourage people to utilise the tools available to them to broadcast

internet has made it really easy to put content out - can be used by anyone

independent musicians should be encouraged to stream their own music

people can share their opinions and thoughts with a wide audience, free of censorship

this is all done digitally, no need for ocean liners or stringing ariels up on tower blocks

emphasise how simple it is to broadcast your own content

audience: independent musicians, creatives, thinkers, who may be overlooked by mainstream radio.


- simple how to guide showing people how they can broadcast themselves

- poster showing history of pirate radio > boats > tower blocks > laptop

- juxtaposing images depicting pirate radio as negative with images showing its positive impact

-'tune in' propaganda style posters, tongue in cheek. - could make it look government official to mock ofcom.

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