original poster
Friday, 13 August 2021
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
fake products
parody and pisstake in art and design
Parody refers to a new creative work which uses an existing work for humour or mockery.
by adopting markers used by what you are attempting to critique, you can highlight how ridiculous something is. Parody can also play homage, in a fun way - it isn't always used to mock.
parody t-shirts are very popular - lots of modern brands mix logos from designer brands and sportswear with references to food, drink, drugs and pop culture. People like them as they're humorous and also can be used as a form of social currency.
additional deliverables
I mocked up some billboards on photoshop - the first is visibly in America and the second in Japan. This is to express that being overworked is a universal issue. It also shows the globalisation of consumer culture.
The image of the model in the billboards has been digitally manipulated to make her smile bigger - this is not instantly recognisable, but the viewer can tell that something is not quite right with the image - it sits on the edge of the 'uncanny valley', conveying to the viewer that something is not quite right.
Monday, 10 May 2021
video graphics - animated
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Video editing
This project is the second time I've used After Effects for video editing - the first was for the module at the start of this year where I used it to mock up a website. I taught myself pretty much everything I've done on After Effects through youtube tutorials and internet forums - I still have a long way to go but I'm impressed at what I've learnt so far.
The video shoot was set up with neon orange paper behind the subject to act as a 'green screen' - I didn't have access to green paper so I guess it's an orange screen. This actually worked well because my model wore a green jacket.
I edited out the background in most of the shots to place the subject in different locations. Ideally I would have liked to build sets or shoot on location but due to covid we had limited access to where we could shoot - however I don't mind the obviously edited in backdrops as they add the the feel of something being 'off' with the advert.
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
packaging design