Thursday 7 January 2021

end of module evaluation

The strength of this brief is that in my essay I have tackled current and relevant issues which affect us all as designers. The strength of the practical is that it is simple and to the point. The weakness of the practical is that it is rather simple.

Luckily as I was creating a social media campaign I only needed digital production methods, although for the handwritten type I used pencil and scanned it in. I think actual handwritten type looks far more authentic than any 'handwriting' fonts. I don't think I took many risks with my design as I was pretty stressed about this module, however it is different to my usual projects as it is corporate. I find coming up with ideas and creating them the easiest part of the design process. The most difficult part for me is writing justification and explaining my thoughts as I myself hardly understand how my brain works.

I do not feel that I achieved my full potential in this module but I never feel like I achieve my full potential in anything because I hate myself a bit This module is the one I found most stressful so far as I am inexperienced with essay writing

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