Looking back through presentations, I think this image must have subconsciously inspired my idea to paper cut my letter forms.
Saul Bass - 60's Graphic designer. I remember looking at his work when I was first introduced to graphic design about 8 years ago in school. One of my tutors suggested looking into him after seeing a rough prototype of my exhibition poster.

@Swissposters (Instagram account)
I feel like most young graphic designers have probably come across this page at some point. It features contemporary poster designs from all over the world and is a great place to see examples of experimental layout.

Stefan Sagmeister - My high school art teacher was obsessed with this guy and I never really understood why until I watched the Helvetica documentary this year and gained a contextual understanding of his work. Whilst his visual language may look slightly dated today, it is his attitude to design which I admire. Whilst I respect the modernists such as Vignelli for what they have contributed to design, and agree that we can learn a lot from them, we need to keep experimenting and breaking rules in order to create things that are new and refreshing, just like Sagmeister did in the 90s. Otherwise, everything begins to look the same and it's difficult to decipher the meaning behind things if they are all being presented to you in the same tone of voice.

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