Thursday 13 February 2020


We did a task where we swapped files with another person doing the same book as us. I was working on Elisabeth's files; she thought her strongest cover designs were the type only ones so I focused on those. After working on Elisabeth's type covers, I reaslised I wanted to focus more on my own typography. I remembered a study task from a different module where I had a made a grid from the golden ratio. I realised I could apply this idea to this current module as the golden ratio appears in nature and maths and is mentioned in the book several times.

Previously, when reading about the Marber grid, I found out that it is based on the 'golden ratio', aka the fibonacci sequence, a concept I explored in an earlier module on type. I thought it might be interesting to try this again and to take it further.

I made a grid of two overlapping fibonacci spirals and sketched out the letters of the title. When I was happy with the letter forms, I created digital versions of them in illustrator. The result is elegant and contemporary, which will hopefully make the book appeal to a younger and cooler audience.

Peer feedback mentioned the designer Eric Hu - I will look into his work to see how I could possibly apply his design principals to my own work.

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