Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Study Task 1 - Experimenting with Type

study task:

learning to leave my comfort zone

learning to create new rules
learning to challenge existing rules

using the word IRRATIONAL to create type

using existing type faces to create new ones
using grids and other rules to create type


Massimo Vignelli believed typeface use should be minimal. He thought 6 typefaces were all a designer needed to create all of their work. Following his beliefs, we can chop up existing typefaces to create something totally new without technically breaking his rule.

digitised reconstruction of typeface with variations

"Typography is
not an art form,
or an exact science,

but rather a craft."

My research on the theme of 'irrational' lead me to look at irrational numbers, specifically pi and the golden ratio. The golden ratio is often found in nature and in classical art and design.


Using the spiral shape generated by sequencing the golden ratio, I made a grid to create letter forms from. 

scan of paper fold following grid based on golden ratio

reflecting on my own work:

my research of the word 'irrational' links well with my ideas but
could have been pushed further

The mathematical rules I researched worked well in making grids

I need to be less uptight and spend less time making ideas polished
and instead work on being experimental and taking risks

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