Friday, 4 October 2019

Personal and Professional Practice Introduction

An important part of creativity is being able to understand and justify the reasoning behind why a design looks the way it does. When generating ideas for a brief, it is not enough to simply create something because 'it looks nice'. Idea generation is a process, it is not linear, and to produce a quality end result you will have to go back and forth.

Below are 4 ways to think about your own work, along with relevant questions you can apply to critique it and push it further.


- What could I do differently?

- What do my peers think about this?

- Could you have done more?


- Why is this the way it is?

- How does your work link to your research?

- What is the intention behind the work?

- How would you justify this to a skeptic?


- Did you do primary AND secondary research?

- Did you research more than one idea?


- How would this read to someone in a different part of the world?
- How might this be viewed 10 years from now?
- Could this be interpreted incorrectly?
- Does the design communicate what you intend?

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