Used a variety of different grids to create typefaces
One was based on the pattern of sunflower seeds which follow the Fibonacci sequence, an irrational sequence, linking back to my word 'irrational'

I made a grid from interlocking circles, as the circumference and radius of a circle is Pi, an irrational number.

I also used various grids on pieces of paper provided in by our tutor to create many iterations of the word 'meat'. I'm not sure why I chose this word, it just popped into my head and it has a good variety of characters to practice drawing.'
Grids are a really useful tool in creating typography as they give you a starting point from which to experiment.
Study task 3:
Creating a typeface from 3 objects which can be rearranged to create letter forms
For reference we looked at designers such as Friedrich Soennecken, who created the tool below. The idea behind it is that children can learn to create letter forms from the shapes provided. They have endless possibilities to experiment with, but obviously there comes a point where a character is no longer recognisable.

Our typeface consists of both upper and lower case characters.

Our objects:
A spanner
A paperclip
A roll of sellotape
Our adjective:
Our development and outcome:

Our outcome reflects our adjective well. We used the primary colours as they look childlike when used together, and I associate cheekiness with children. The different weights of the legs and the exaggerated flicks on the ends of some letters add to it's playfulness.
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