Thursday, 29 October 2020

501 Lecture

Understanding the context behind visual references - what is context?

Questions that can be applied when analysing images:

1. Idea/purpose
What is the image about? What does it mean?

2. Form
What is happening in the image to communicate these ideas?

3. Idiom
What is the specific visual language of the maker(s)?
What makes their work look like their work?

4. Structure
How have choices in composition helped to convey the idea?

5. Craft
What skills, processes and materials have been used to achieve this?

6. Surface
Consider how these steps work together to create an effective final image

Our image:

Promotional poster for the sex pistols made through collage.  It was made for a younger target audience in order to convey anarchy attitudes and controversial anti establishment themes which had a controversial reaction. This is shown through Jamie Reid's classic style and covering of the queens eyes and mouth

structure/form/craft: collage using black and white image of the queen with a bright union jack in behind. the queens eyes are mouth are ripped off to establish the idea of abolishing the monarchy which is a big part of punk ideology during the time. The contrast of the bright flag takes focus away from the queen, and as this was created during the time of the queen's silver jubilee it was quite controversial

Reid's idiom of using type collaged from newspapers makes his style recognisable, it could be commentary on the state of the British press at the time. Reid dehumanises Liz by covering the eyes and mouth, showing a lack of respect. There is irony in the image - without context and at face value, it is celebrating Britain and the monarchy, however with context given it is clearly subversive and anti-establishment.

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