Friday 17 January 2020

Brand Name and Development

During research I came across this advice: “Ultimately, lifestyle brand marketing is all about convincing your customers that you can deliver the experiences and identities they’ve been searching for. Whether your aim is to become one of the many luxury lifestyle brands that promise their customers a better standard of living, or you’d prefer to be associated with ethical or adventurous ideas is up to you. Because lifestyle brands embed their characteristics throughout the whole of their company experience, you’ll need to determine what kind of lifestyle you want to sell before you begin designing your logo or coming up with a marketing plan.”

Before finalising the brief, it was important to me to have a strong brand name. I wrote down words associated with my brand before finally settling on 'drynk'. I chose this name because it's simple and to the point, there are no existing brands named this and the misspelling of the word is common in contemporary branding eg 'Tumblr' 'Twinkl' 'Flickr'.

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