Small’s work is full of colour, pattern, texture and movement. He has a way of making type look animated even when it’s not. After reading interviews with him about his work, it was clear to me that everything he does comes from a place of sincerity - he creates because he enjoys it and he has something to say, not because he’s trying to impress other people.

Name: Braulio Amado
Amado’s work is very interesting to me - he has a very unique style and before this year I hadn’t come across anyone like him. It's extremely versatile - it's also very playful and fun, almost tongue in cheek sometimes. People who know me know I like to make others laugh but I am also cynical and my sense of humour can be a bit dark - I see this reflected in Amado's work and it inspires me to instill my own personality into everything I do.

Name: David Rudnick
I chose Rudnik because I am in awe at what he does with typography - it's very innovative and if you look on social media you can see his style being imitated everywhere, which to me is a sign of success. He’s also quite opinionated on his social media accounts which I admire - as I’ve mentioned before, I wouldn’t ever want to compromise my morals to get more jobs.

Name: Hassan Rahim
I chose Rahim because again after reading interviews with him, it was clear that he's very passionate about what he does and has a committed attitude towards everything he creates. I really like his work because it's grungy and dark, and I have broad taste when it comes to design.

Name: Ham Carlile
I chose Ham Carlile because she's somebody I’ve actually known for a few years and she has a really unique approach to each project she takes on. She’s a real maverick and some people might even argue that a lot of what she does isn’t even ‘graphic design’, but I think that it’s a sign of being innovative and original when people tell you your ideas aren’t valid.

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