Monday 9 March 2020


This spider just happened to be in my room whilst I was about to shoot and I trapped it in this glass to put it outside, but I took some pictures first. I thought it could be relevant to the project because I am focusing on themes of freedom, and the spider was temporarily trapped before I freed it again.

the idea behind this photoshoot was to emulate the inside of a Berlin club - people dancing, wearing whatever they want to and not caring how they look. I would have liked to use someone else as the model so that I could have more control over the outcome of the photos but as you can imagine asking someone to dress up in bondage gear and dance whilst you take photos could be perceived as a bit weird.

The next step I took was to bitmap and apply threshold affects to the photos to see how they would work as screen prints.

I will try applying some of these images to album mockups.

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